
ERP Strategic Planning
I make claims for my Strategic Planning service in terms of speed, quality of outcome, level of buy-in, etcetera that some people find unreal. So, I thought it would be useful to share a bit about my process to answer these questions. Fundamentally collectively the top team have the knowledge and experience to ideate the best solution – in many cases they know what needs...
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erp Strategic Requirements
One of the major reasons that IT projects fail to deliver is that the requirements definition is inexact, fluffy and not strategically aligned – it is vital that it is aligned with the strategic essence, how the organization thrives and achieves maximum profitability. In a recent article I discussed “The importance of strategic alignment in ERP, AI and other systems projects”.  This has a particular...
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strategic alignment in ERP
Many ERP, AI, CRM and other business information system investments do not deliver lasting value to the client’s business.  They get the job done operationally but they do not facilitate differentiation and competitive advantage.  They are not “a strategic weapon” enabling improved profitability, as it was put by one of my clients. The primary reason for this is that the implementation of these systems is...
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erp implimentation
Precision configuration can give rise to an order of magnitude improvement in ease of use and effectiveness of a system with resultant productivity and profitability gains without investing in new software. Precision configuration is a powerful tool to add considerable value to your existing system without the disruption of a full system upgrade. Various major ERP’s and other business information systems (software) are punting major...
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Reports indicate that the SAP S/4 HANA upgrade is disruptive, costly and drives business risk.  Profitability is likely to be significantly reduced for several years while the upgrade beds down. Expected benefits are debatable insofar as the current version is sufficient for most businesses. If this upgrade concerns you I have a solution. Case Study Some years ago I advised a client with another major...
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Dr James A Robertson, The ERP Doctor, has over thirty years of experience with regard to troubleshooting, turning around and successfully implementing ERP and other business information systems.  He has written widely on the factors giving rise to the 75% plus level of ERP implementation failures and the factors required for successful implementation.

He is a thought leader who regularly challenges conventional wisdom with regard to ERP and has pioneered a range of highly effective methods with regard to high value ERP outcomes.