I was called in by a large warehousing and distribution client in the chemicals sector. They were in dire straights. They had implemented a big brand ERP with one of the big four global consulting firms. Things had gone horribly wrong and the consultants could not fix the problem. They had just lost their biggest...Read More
I am offering my services to clients and implementers based on over thirty years of experience withERP implementation and troubleshooting. In this process I have developed some innovativetechniques that I would like to share with you with a view to providing services to you.According to Gartner, ERP implementations failure rates can exceed 75%. Meanwhile, globalconsultancy...Read More
Succeed by engineering against failureIn the process I have been through with regard to troubleshooting and turning around dozens offailed and sub-optimal ERP projects I have identified seven “Critical factors causing ERP projectfailure” and seven “Critical factors for ERP investment success”. These are not what most peoplewould think. In considering this discussion it is important...Read More
As I work through the Critical Factors causing failure and the Critical Factors for Success my nexttopic is the first factor for success “Effective Executive Custody” with a weight of 25%Effective Executive CustodyThe most important factor for the success of an ERP implementation or, indeed any major strategicinvestment in my experience, is Effective Executive Custody...Read More
As I work through the Critical Factors causing failure and the Critical Factors for Success my nexttopic is the second factor causing failure “Inappropriate or ineffective executive custody, governanceand corporate policy” with a weight of 19%Ineffective Executive Custody The second most important factor causing failure of ERP implementations or, indeed any majorstrategic investment in my...Read More
I would like to discuss the second factor required for implementation success – “effective strategicdefinition and alignment – the essence of the business” with a weight of 22%Effective Strategic Alignment – a Practical ExampleI was once called in by the Executive Chairman and CEO of a freight forwarding and clearingcompany. They were in the process...Read More
I would like to discuss the fourth factor required for implementation success – “Precision Configuration” with a weight of 16% What do I mean by “Precision Configuration”? Case Study The client was a medium size consulting business. The project was the implementation of an industry vertical ERP. All modules and all validation lists in the...Read More
Today I would like to discuss the fifth factor giving rise to ERP implementation failure – Failure to address soft issues, business engagement and change impacts with a weight of 12% Soft Issues – a Practical Example The client was a moderate size freight forwarding and clearing company part of an international franchise. They were...Read More