Dear [firstname],
There is frequently lack of clarity on what an ERP really should deliver so I thought I would share the list of items that I look for in evaluating the success or sub-optimal outcome of an ERP or other Business Information System investment:
- Executives can get the information they need from the ERP when they need it (this is not a technology issue) – “answers to the questions I have not yet thought to ask”.
- The ERP enables the business to run the way the leadership wants. (again not a technology issue).
- The ERP models every aspect of the business and is totally integrated.
- The ERP runs smoothly, with very little technology operational management, entirely reliable and dependable.
- Reports are available at a touch of a button and do not require expensive consultants to generate and maintain.
- Different reports on the same data all correlate and agree without human intervention.
- The ERP assists the business to run efficiently and effectively.
- The ERP supports differentiation and is strategically aligned with the essence of the business.
- The business is more efficient, effective and more profitable after the commissioning of the ERP.
Getting to yes
If you cannot say an unequivocal “yes” to all the above points you need to talk to me.
Technology is seldom a factor in getting to “yes” on the above points and that includes which ERP you are using. Strategically implemented or re-implemented using my methods, just about any ERP is capable of delivering the above outcomes.
In my career I have conducted dozens of diagnostic “Pulse Measurements”, short, sharp light touch investigations to diagnose why ERP implementations were not delivering and in some cases were trashing the business. The output is a concise report listing seven critical findings diagnosing the problems being experienced and seven critical recommendations prescribing the required actions to remediate the situation. This output is informed by my very deep experience and understanding of effective utilization of ERP in business and what prevents this being realized.
This report is concise, in plain English, easily understood by executives, and actionable!
In some cases I have turned situations around situations that have dragged the business down for months in as little as two days.
I offer a full range of advisory services with regard to actioning my recommendations. This ranges from high level light touch advisory to full blown strategic project leadership in which I take over the project and run it in close consultation with management until the system is fully commissioned and delivering required benefits.
In the extreme case where it really IS necessary to abandon the existing system I will take you through a comprehensive, well-honed process based on Engineering practice to produce a comprehensive tender pack. This includes a proven “Request for Proposal” of 40 to 50 pages. This is supported by a full pack of supporting documentation that comprehensively documents the project. I will then lead the procurement process through to signing of a contract that strongly protects the interests of the client and will then lead the implementation project.
This enables you to have a robust, enforceable contract that protects the business to the maximum extent possible. This includes an enforceable fixed price and comprehensive specification of how the project is to be run. This approach is geared to putting the interests of the client first while being fair to the ERP implementer.
Website for supporting information
To learn more about the services we offer please visit our website
For case studies please visit the troubleshooting and turnaround page on the website.
At this juncture I would like to invite you to a Zoom call with me at your convenience for a no obligation consultation to discuss your ERP issues.
If you would like to take me up on this offer please reply to this email with a few dates and times that suit you.
I look forward to meeting you.
Dr James A Robertson
James A Robertson and Associates