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Medium Size Consulting Firm

Cut year-end processing from three months to six weeks, first time without audit qualifications in 15 years, massive improvement in management information and overall profitability.

Large Chemical Distribution Company

In six weeks, turned around a failed ERP implementation that was causing major loss of customers and placing the business at risk..

Large Food Manufacturing and Distribution Group

Group consolidation across twelve large food manifacturing and distribution businesses. Major improvement in Group financial reporting with month end turn around cut to days instead of weeks.

Large Distribution and Warehousing Company

Turned around a stalled procurement process that was leading to inappropriate recommendations and put in place a comprehensive and rigorous tender process evaluating world class ERP and WMS offerings rstulting in an informed, quality, Board decision.

Large Healthcare Provider Company

Comprehensive review of legacy ERP that was on the point of being scrapped leading to a plan of action that extended the life of the system productively by eight years.
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