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Our credentials

Our credentials include: Over 3 decades of experience with ERP implementation and troubleshooting. Notable successes – turnarounds and implementations. Graduate Professional Engineer – rigour and discipline with regard to all projects – we design implementations not to fail […]

Executive briefing — why ERP not delivering

We periodically run an executive briefing on “Why your ERP is not delivering and how to fix it!” (Say goodbye to those ERP woes). Targeted at CEO’s, Managing Directors and Operational Executives. Overview of the ERP environment – […]

Who is Dr James Robertson? — The ERP Doctor

In order to give a better understanding of the James A Robertson and Associates approach to ERP services, following is an overview of the knowledge and experience of Dr James Robertson, the ERP Doctor:

Luxury Product Distributor

Five-month ERP turnaround.  Project Leadership with Precision configuration resulting in add-on bespoke development.  Exceptional data quality and brand management capability resulted in an overnight 12% increase in revenue by securing the Dior account because the client could do […]

Complimentary one hour consultation

In order to give a better understanding of the James A Robertson and Associates approach to ERP services, following is an overview of the knowledge and experience of Dr James Robertson, the ERP Doctor:
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