Precision configuration can give rise to an order of magnitude improvement in ease of use and effectiveness of a system with resultant productivity and profitability gains without investing in new software.
Precision configuration is a powerful tool to add considerable value to your existing system without the disruption of a full system upgrade.
Various major ERP’s and other business information systems (software) are punting major upgrades some of which will cause major business disruption, generate substantial costs and carry major business risk. In many / most / all (?) cases the true business value and ROI is debatable versus the material impact on profitability of the upgrade process.
Some years ago the Financial Mail reported on the basis of a survey of CEO’s that “19 out of 20 ERP implementations do NOT deliver what was promised”. The factors giving rise to this sub-optimal outcome for most businesses were first documented in the book “The Critical Factors for Information Technology Investment Success” by the author and have been refreshed several times.
A key element that gives rise to sub-optimal performance is what I term “sloppy configuration”. The counterpoint to this is “precision configuration”.
Precision configuration can give rise to an order of magnitude improvement in ease of use and effectiveness of a system with resultant productivity and profitability gains.
Precision configuration is a powerful tool to add considerable value to your existing system without the disruption of a full system upgrade.
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Dr James A Robertson
The ERP Doctor
James A Robertson and Associates offer a portfolio of strategic services to enable clients to thrive and be more profitable
We do this by enabling clients to do the right things well in accordance with the definition of Professor Malcolm McDonald of Cranfield School of Management who says that strategy is “doing the right things viewed from the perspective of the customer” and tactics are “doing things right viewed from the perspective of the customer” and that if one “does the right things well one’s organization will thrive!”
This portfolio comprises:
1. Fast and effective facilitation of collaborative, actionable strategic plans
2. Strategic ERP and business systems troubleshooting and turnaround
3. Strategic tough ERP and other system procurement service
4. Strategic ERP and other system configuration
5. Legally enforceable strategic alternative to a major disruptive and costly ERP system upgrade