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The critical factors causing ERP and other strategic project investment failure

Mythology, hype and tradition – 30% Inappropriate or ineffective executive custody, governance and corporate policy – 19% Lack of effective strategic alignment and strategic solution architecture – 16% Lack of […]

The critical factors for ERP and other strategic project success

1. Effective Executive Custody – 25% 2. Effective Strategic definition and alignment – the Essence of the business – 22% 3. Effective engineering solution design and implementation approach – 17%

The problems we solve

We solve the following problems and much more: “We have spent a fortune on this ERP and it is not delivering what was promised!” – Gartner report that ERP failure […]

The benefits of what we do

The benefits of what we do include but are not limited to: Tell you how to streamline the operation of your ERP in language you understand. Extend the life of […]

The results we produce

We produce the following results amongst others: Clear understanding of the real issues with regard to your ERP. Robust, tangible improvements in the operation of your ERP. Better quality data […]
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