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Strategic ERP Project Leadership

One of the critical services offered by the JAR&A ERP team is strategic ERP project leadership – guiding and managing the project to deliver a high value project outcome.  The following factors are taken into account:


  1. Approach is critical — the manner in which an ERP implementation or turnaround project is managed is critical.


  1. Critical factors causing failure — the ERP Doctor has identified seven critical factors that cause ERP implementation failure. Foremost of these is Mythology, hype and tradition (1) which accounts for 30% of failures and Inappropriate or ineffective executive custody, governance and corporate policy (2) which accounts for 19%.  Lack of effective strategic alignment and strategic solution architecture (3) accounts for 16% and lack of precision configuration (4) contributes 14% of what causes failure.  Technology issues (7) account for only 3% of what causes failure.


  1. Critical factors for success — the Critical Factors for Successful ERP implementations include Effective Executive Custody (1) 25% of what is required for success. Effective strategic definition and alignment, understanding of the essence of the business (2) is 22% of what gives rise to a successful outcome. Effective engineering solution design and implementation approach (3) accounts for 17%  followed by effective precision configuration (4) at 16% coupled to effective business simulation laboratory operation (5) at 12%.  Technology is only 2% of what contributes to success – all mainstream ERP technologies are mature, stable, highly configurable and entirely capable of being successfully implemented.


  1. Executive custody and strategic alignment — the core objective for any ERP implementation, whether a clean slate implementation or a re-implementation is a high level of executive custody, coupled with close alignment with the business strategy and precise configuration.


  1. Experience — the ERP Doctor has over thirty years’ experience in applying these principles to ERP projects and to diagnosing failed or sub-optimal ERP implementations. See the one pager “Who is Dr James Robertson? The ERP Doctor” for references to a few case studies of successful projects utilizing this approach.


  1. Factors must be managed — the bottom line is that a successful implementation requires that all the abovementioned factors need to be managed, the factors causing failure need to be eliminated and the factors for success need to be enhanced and delivered on. The ERP Doctor Strategic ERP Project Leadership service delivers this.


  1. Craft the project with the CEO — the ERP Doctor will engage with the business, understand the business and the issues with the current ERP and the drivers for replacing the ERP and will then craft and manage a project together with the client executive team and particularly the Chief Executive that will deliver a high value outcome.


  1. Gear up competitive capability –– in considering this it is important to recognize that the real value of a new ERP is the extent to which it gears up the strategic and therefore competitive capability of the organization thereby delivering greatly improved efficiencies and competitive advantage leading to significantly and sustainably increased profitability.


  1. CEO is custodian — in considering this approach it is vital to recognize that a comprehensive integrated business information solution, that is “ERP Plus”, involves and integrates every facet of the business. As such the CEO is the custodian of the integrated view of the business and must therefore be the custodian of the ERP project.


  1. Agent of the CEO — in executing such a project the ERP Doctor operates as the Agent of the CEO, liaises regularly with the CEO, translates what is happening into language the CEO is comfortable with and facilitates the process to ensure that the strategic objectives of the CEO and executive team are fully supported.


We look forward to assisting your organization to achieve a high-value ERP implementation.